A few weeks back, my grandchildren visited us, which naturally gave way to a chase-and-run game where I was a pretend-monster chasing them (my prey) around the house. We screamed and took turns scaring each other in giggly encounters. They emitted joyful shrieks as I switched directions on them and cut off their escape route.
While we were playing, I noticed my three-year-old and youngest grandson, Alek, keep running in a direction led entirely by his weight shift. He is just learning how to run, and it was hilarious to watch him take instant detours based on stumbles and random targets he identified. I often had to grab him and redirect his momentum since he was headed towards a collision or somewhere he shouldn't be.
I couldn't help but think that this is how we live our lives if we are not intentional. We often go in the direction life takes us without letting God directing the path we should go. My mentor, Pastor A. Mangun, once said, "Most people just accept their life; they don't let God lead it." My youngest grandson just accepted wherever his feet took him and didn't know how to stop and intentionally reroute his direction, but this led him to dangerous places. Similarly, if we don't let God lead our life on the right path, we will find ourselves missing opportunities and limiting our potential.
Here are three ways you can start letting God lead your life:
1) Stop Moving
The first step is taking time to let the Word of God speak to our spirit. Stop, pray, read the Bible and reflect on what you read. Many times, life is moving a hundred miles an hour, and we find ourselves in the whirlwind of living.
We have to stop and assimilate the Word if we are going to start being intentional in our direction.
Call a time-out and regroup on what is the priority and what is purposeful.
Will Rogers once said, "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." Take a moment to reset your life and get on the right track.
2) Start Planning
We have all heard the statement: "If you fail to plan, you might as well plan to fail." This statement has more merit than you may give it credit.
Planning is vital to living successfully.
Planning forces us to get intentional and get serious.
Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.
Winston Churchill similarly observed, "Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential." It's the process of planning that helps us lead our life.
3) Keep Checking-In
Life is fluid; it is ever-flowing and changing. Just like my grandson kept switching directions, so can our lives be easily knocked off course if not careful.
We have to keep ourselves in check by having routine assessments of our lives.
Experts tell us that about every 3-4 weeks, we need to reset our focus and attention.
I sit down for a few hours at the end of each month and plan out my goals, objectives, and direction for the month ahead.
I see where I am on track and where I have gotten off track for whatever reason.
This routine keeps me intentionally checking in and resetting my internal compass.
"My steps have held fast to your paths;
my feet have not slipped." Psalms 17:5
Have a blessed week,
Pastor (Rev. Elias Limones)