"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
II Timothy 1:7
Last week while in transit to Louisiana, I read the story of Peter Cartwright, a traveling preacher in the 1800s. During one of Cartwright's speaking engagements, the local church Pastor hosting him asked him to keep his remarks inoffensive since presidential candidate General Andrew Jackson would be in attendance. Andrew Jackson was well known for his fiery temper and deadly duels, and the Pastor did not want him to feel offended. However, Peter Cartwright proceeded with his message and audaciously declared, "I have been told that Andrew Jackson is here today and to hold back any offensive remarks. What I must say is that Andrew Jackson will go to hell if he does not repent of his sin." After the service, the General approached Cartwright and said, "If I had a regiment of men like you, I could whip the world."
We cannot believe what others say about us over what God says. Too often, we allow what people think about us to determine our level of courage. When we fear what others say about us, we become trapped in a prison of self-consciousness.
Let me give you a couple of pointers about overcoming fear.
1. Never let the fear of others keep you from stepping out in courageous faith.
Envision having no fear of rejection. Imagine not being afraid of what others think or say about you. Picture all you could do for God if you were free from worrying about your reputation.
Remember this: what you fear about others will only limit the difference you can make in them. God is the one who validates and qualifies you, not others, and He reveals His appraisal in calling you "Blessed."
2. You and I can trust God with everything.
He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will never let us down; you can take that to the bank and cash it!
Don't allow fear to steal your future. Don't allow it to ambush your destiny. Remember: Where God guides, He always provides. If He called you to it, He will see you through it.
Where is fear keeping you from more extraordinary things? Identify it and start to raise your trust meter, and see what God does as a result!
Have a blessed week,
Pastor (Rev. Elias Limones)