"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28
When an unexpected situation happens, there are two ways to react – blame the circumstances and wait desperately for someone to do something or adequately analyze it and respond to it in a mature, spiritual manner, knowing that God is in control of our lives. A proactive believer understands that setbacks and failures are part of life, but remaining in that state is not. Faith people are proactive; they get up - they pray, and they find solutions. A proactive Christian is a good problem-solver, even when not asked to be. It's all about the mindset you possess. But it is also a skill or a gift that can be developed and trained. Uncover your proactivity capabilities, even if they are hidden deep within you. All it takes are these steps to follow:
Stay Focused on a Solution, Not on a Problem
Solving any problem becomes practically impossible if it quickly escalates to depression for you and or you become focused on its adverse outcomes.
Stop blaming yourself or blaming others – pray and actively look for solutions.
Don't focus on things that you cannot control; it will only make you run into a more severe depression. You should accept the fact that for those that love the Lord, "all things work together for ...good." Everyone faces obstacles, challenges, or problems. But spiritual, faith, and proactive people handle them effectively due to the Holy Ghost wisdom and spiritual discernment that resides in them.
Don't Rely on Others to Solve your Problems
Do you think someone else is willing to do the things you need to do, achieve your objectives, or fix your problems? Of course, your pastor, your family, and your brothers in Christ will support you, but you have to be the one responsible for your progress or success.
Take the initiative in your hands and start acting. Remember that the fastest and most effective way to learn something is by working on it yourself, even if it involves other people who might help or support you along the way.
Stop relying on your strong willpower. Rely upon, primarily, the Power of the Holy Ghost to work in those areas of your life that you need to change or improve.
Don't expect the "right time" to come. Success comes to those who move forward, regardless of hardships. The fact that you desperately want something is not enough. You have to work hard for it.
Analyze Your Steps in Advance
Spontaneous actions may do more harm than good, while well-prayed, well-considered, and well-planned ones will clarify the situation and bring you closer to the solution.
Before you decide to act, think of the possible consequences of your actions. Use your spiritual discernment or pray for wisdom. You will need a lot of it if you wish to become proactive.
Want to fix the problem quickly? The more serious your situation is, the deeper your prayer life needs to be.
A proactive spiritual person needs to be able to trust in the Lord's will. "The steps of the righteous man are led by the Lord." You'd better take small steps in the will of God than run without the approval of God.
I wish all the members of our cycling club a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Blessings, Pastor (Rev. Elias Limones)
12/28 update: Part II now available